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Welcome! Whether you are new to Buckland Monachorum, have lived in the area for a long time, or are simply planning to visit the Hall, this site will provide an insight on the Hall’s history and those groups that use it.


The Hall is celebrating is 100th Birthday this year, having been formed from the WI and Men's Club in 1923. 


The Village Hall is a valuable community resource, providing many facilities within its walls. Its development and improvement over the past decades has been well supported by local people, West Devon Borough Council and the Devon Communities Together. The Trustees and the Committee work hard to ensure that the Hall continues to meet the needs of the local community, not only now, but for future generations to come.

The Trustees aim to provide and maintain the Village Hall for the use of the inhabitants of the Parish of Buckland Monachorum, without distinction of political, religious or other opinion, including use for meetings, lectures and classes and for other forms of recreation and leisure time occupation, with the object of improving the conditions of life for those inhabitants.

Chair: Mr Stephen Fryer ~ 01822 855336
Secretary: Nigel Rendle ~ 01822 853260
Treasurer: Tim Alexander ~ 01822 853291
Trustee: Jon Burnie (Parish Council)
Trustee: Nicola Williams (Art Group)
Trustee: Jane Beard (Buckland Beehive)

Trustee: Phil Bennet (Snooker)
Trustee: Mandy Robinson

Trustee: Tim Price

Booking Secretary: Claire Fryer ~ 01822 855336
Caretaker: Shane Willson


Regular Events

Monthly Village Market & Coffee Shop ~ 10am to Noon
Various stalls to browse, plus Coffee Shop serving refreshments including filter coffee, tea, cake.
2nd Saturday of the month (not January, June, or August)

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